Healthy Living System™ Approved Seal Form

10-Steps holistic approach adopted by builders, developers, architects, designers, specifiers and consumer nationwide.
Consumer Indicators
2024 HEALTHY HOME CHECK UP™ REPORT. The report demonstrates that today’s home buyers are gaining awareness about the impact their home has on their health. The average home buyer understands the importance of energy efficiency, air and water quality and finishes that impact indoor environmental quality(IEQ). The goal to lessen VOCs and other harmful chemicals to increase IEQ is now front-of-mind.
“More consumers are interested in ‘healthy homes.’ Americans are increasingly worried about the links between health and everyday environmental exposure.” – Elizabeth LaJeunesse, Senior Research Analyst with Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies
HLS APPROVED™ SEAL homes, design centers and amenity buildings results in gaining a healthier, competitive advantage and “doing the right thing.
HLSA Protocols Align with ESG Reporting
DO YOU MEASURE UP? How does you company contribute to healthy, sustainable development while managing risk and opportunities? The lens of an ESG report focuses on taking a holistic view on how sustainability extends beyond environmental issues, including, in particular, a company’s impact on people. Companies investing in health and wellness strategies have healthier bottom lines and reduce risk by incorporating and prioritizing ESG factors into their decision-making process. Health and wellness sells.