Wellness Within Your Walls celebrates National Wellness Month and the Healthy Living System™, a 10-step holistic approach to health and wellness!
Wellness involves many components, including physical, social, mental, spiritual, environmental and vocational. Research shows that these various dimensions of wellness are interdependent and influence each other. Balance is essential, starting with air, water and light. Below, find tips on how to prioritize self-care, manage stress, promote healthy routines, create wholesome habits and connect with nature and others, thereby promoting happiness, wellbeing, longevity and pathways to healthy living.
First winner announced below for the WWYW Healthy Home Check Up™ Wellness Giveaway!
Breathe Easier
“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
The air within our homes can be significantly more polluted and harmful than outdoor air. A number of options exist to help purify indoor air. Inhale, exhale:
- Take a systems approach when designing a new home.
- Reduce interior toxins through proper ventilation.
- Clean ducts and replace filters regularly.
- Apply healthy behavioral strategies to reduce toxins in the home.
Hydrate Often
“Catch a wave and you’re sitting on top of the world.” – The Beach Boys
The water we consume plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Over 300 chemicals of concern have been identified in municipal water. Water sense makes sense:
- Drink eleven to fifteen cups of water a day, depending on your physiology.
- Find out what is in your water with the EWG’s Tap Water Database.
- Properly filtrate your water with whole-home, under the counter or personal filtration.
- Conserve water whenever possible.
Expose Yourself to Natural Light
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman
Design homes to capture and optimize natural light. Letting the light in:
- Aids in maintaining circadian rhythms.
- Provides the body with vitamin D.
- Reduces the signs of dementia.
- Improves mood, concentration and overall health.
Prioritize Self-Care
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou
Self-care is a critical part of our wellbeing. Put yourself first:
- Take time for yourself to recharge.
- Start your day right with meaningful affirmations.
- Journal your thoughts.
- Try a new activity just for fun.
“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” – Rumi
Meditating helps the body and brain relax and focus on the present. Tips to get started:
- Take 5 minutes out of your day to sit and breathe.
- Focus on igniting positivity.
- Relax and quiet your mind.
- Inspire yourself with intentional thoughts.
Get Outside
“If you listen, the silence sounds lovely.” – Ziggy Alberts
Spending time outdoors surrounded by nature is linked to cognitive benefits, improved mood and mental and emotional wellbeing. Get closer to nature:
- Take a 20 minute walk every day.
- Listen to the sounds of wildlife.
- Connect with botanicals and the landscape around you.
- Spend time with a friend – hike in the woods together.
Enjoy the Benefits of a Balanced Diet
“Eating healthy food fills your body with energy and nutrients. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and saying: Thank you!” – Karen Salmansohn
Life can be busy, and we sometimes let that interfere with our eating habits. Proven methods to improve nutrition and your physical health:
- Increase water intake – it’s essential for your body to function well.
- Eat sensibly to achieve better physical and mental fitness.
- Create healthy eating habits by seeking out convenient sources of healthy food.
- Try cooking with a partner to help you resist the temptation of unhealthy foods.
Choose Healthier Personal Care Products
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel
Personal care products with healthier and, typically, fewer, ingredients tend to be safer for and kinder to your skin and body. Our skin is our largest organ, and it absorbs everything we apply. Natural and organic products are also generally more ethical and sustainable, making them eco-friendly. Avoid the following:
- Parabens are preservatives in cosmetics and other skin care products that can cause skin and allergic reactions and are linked to breast cancer.
- Phthalates are preservatives in soaps, shampoos and other skin care products that can impact our endocrine system.
- Synthetic fragrances are used in soaps, beauty and other skin care products and can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory issues like asthma.
- Aluminum is mainly used in antiperspirants and affects central nervous system function and is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
- For more information, visit the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website.
“Healing yourself is connected with healing others.” – Yoko Ono
The power and science behind social connection are well-known. It’s not enough to eat right, keep physically fit and get eight hours of sleep. Strengthening your social connections:
- Leads to higher self-esteem and empathy.
- Increases our chance of longevity by 50%.
- Boosts immune systems.
- Aids in faster recovery from disease.
- Lowers rates of anxiety and depression.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
When we contribute to “the greater good,” research shows that we improve our lives. Year after year tens of millions of Americans are motivated to give their time volunteering. In 2019, the estimated economic value of those hours was an astounding $147 billion. Getting involved and reaping the rewards of volunteering:
- Leads to a positive impact on our mood, known as the “helper’s high.”
- Decreases levels of stress, depression and loneliness.
- Builds friendships, social connections and leadership skills.
- Lowers blood pressure.