What is Wellness Within Your Walls? Wellness Within Your Walls is the missing link to drastically reducing toxins in the interior living environment.
By offering clear advice and valuable information, encouraging dialogue and focusing on the tight box syndrome as the key to reducing toxins, WWYW empowers consumers and the building and design community to sort through overwhelming information and make healthier choices for interiors. WWYW partners with builders, architects, designers, manufacturers and the consumer, teaching how to make responsible decisions prior to, during and even after the design and execution of a building. WWYW practices will result in a healthier living environment—leading to healthier families, healthier businesses, and a healthier world.
Our Vision and Mission
At Wellness Within Your Walls, our vision is in creating a legacy of Health, Harmony, and Sustainability in the interior environment. Our mission is to connect the global family with healthy eco-sensitive products that result in beautiful sustainable non-toxic environments.
We aspire to…
- Simplify available information on how to achieve a healthier interior environment.
- Promote natural and sustainable manufacturing practices.
- Educate the global family on how to make healthier choices for the interior environment.
- Connect the global family with healthier home building and home furnishing products.
- Reduce harmful toxins in the interior environment responsibly.
- Encourage repurposing products whenever possible to help reduce consumption and waste.
- Support healthy cottage industries locally and globally.